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Expert Guide to Conveyancing Solicitors Gold Coast

Conveyancing is essential to property transactions, dealing with the legal process of transferring ownership from one individual to another. Whether buying or selling a property on the Gold Coast, understanding the conveyancing process is essential. This guide provides comprehensive information on why you need a conveyancing solicitor, how to choose the best one, and what […]

Expert Guide to Conveyancing Solicitors Gold Coast

Expert Guide to Conveyancing Solicitors Gold Coast

By Aylward Game - Jun 27, 2024 Conveyancing

Conveyancing is essential to property transactions, dealing with the legal process of transferring ownership from one individual to another. Whether buying or selling a property on the Gold Coast, understanding the conveyancing process is essential. This guide provides comprehensive information on why you need a conveyancing solicitor, how to choose the best one, and what to expect throughout the process. At Aylward Game Solicitors, we are committed to ensuring smooth and hassle-free property transactions for our clients.

What is Conveyancing?

Conveyancing involves the legal procedure for transferring property ownership from one entity to another. This procedure includes multiple stages, each demanding careful attention to detail to ensure legal compliance. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the conveyancing process:

  1. Pre-Contract Stage: This initial stage involves preparing and reviewing all necessary documents. Your solicitor will conduct searches to uncover any potential issues with the property.
  2. Drafting and Reviewing Contracts: The solicitor will draft the contract for sale or review the contract provided by the seller’s solicitor. This includes ensuring all necessary terms and conditions and no unfavourable clauses are included.
  3. Title Checks: Verifying the title to ensure the seller has the right to sell the property and there are no legal impediments or encumbrances.

Why Do You Need a Conveyancing Solicitor on the Gold Coast?

The process of buying or selling property is laden with legal intricacies. Conveyancing lawyers on the Gold Coast can navigate these complexities efficiently. Here are some key reasons to hire a conveyancing solicitor:

  • Legal Expertise: Conveyancing solicitors possess the necessary legal knowledge to handle all aspects of property transactions and ensure compliance with local property law.
  • Local Knowledge: Property lawyers on the Gold Coast who are familiar with the local market can provide insights specific to the area, such as zoning laws and property values.
  • Risk Mitigation: Professional solicitors can identify and mitigate potential issues during the transaction, such as title discrepancies or planning permissions.

Example: Imagine purchasing a property without realising an unresolved boundary dispute. A local conveyancing solicitor would catch this early, saving you from potential legal battles and financial loss.

Hiring a conveyancing solicitor is not just about completing paperwork; it’s about ensuring the entire process is legally sound and stress-free.

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How to Choose the Best Conveyancing Solicitor in Gold Coast

Choosing the appropriate conveyancing solicitor is crucial for a seamless property transaction. Consider these key factors:

Experience and Expertise

  • Importance of Experience: Choose a solicitor with extensive experience in handling conveyancing cases. This ensures they are well-versed in managing various scenarios that might arise.
  • Local Expertise: A solicitor familiar with the Gold Coast property market can navigate local regulations and offer invaluable insights.

Tip: Ask potential solicitors about their experience with properties similar to yours and any local cases they have handled.

Reputation and Reviews

  • Online Reviews: Check reviews and testimonials to gauge the solicitor’s reputation. Websites like Google Reviews and Trustpilot can provide a wealth of information.
  • Word of Mouth: Personal recommendations from friends or family who have recently completed property transactions can also be valuable.

Pro Tip: Look for consistent positive feedback on communication, efficiency, and problem-solving skills.

Costs and Fees

  • Transparent Pricing: Request a detailed breakdown of fees to understand what is included and what might incur additional costs.
  • Comparison: Compare quotes from multiple solicitors to ensure you get a fair price. However, don’t compromise on quality for lower fees.

The Conveyancing Process in Detail

Understanding the detailed steps involved in the conveyancing process can help demystify the journey of buying or selling a property. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown:

Pre-Contract Stage

Before any contracts are signed, several important steps need to be completed:

  1. Property Searches: Your solicitor will conduct various searches to uncover potential property issues. These include local authorities, environmental authorities, and water and drainage searches.
  2. Drafting and Reviewing Contracts: The solicitor will draft the contract for sale or review the contract provided by the seller’s solicitor. This includes ensuring the contract contains all necessary terms and conditions and excludes any unfavourable clauses.
  3. Title Checks: Verifying the title to ensure the seller has the right to sell the property and there are no legal impediments or encumbrances.

Contract Exchange

This stage is critical as it legally binds both parties to the transaction:

  1. Agreement on Terms: Both parties agree to the sale terms, including the price, completion date, and any special conditions.
  2. Signing the Contract: After both parties are content with the terms, they sign the contract. At this point, the buyer generally pays a deposit, often around 10% of the total purchase price.
  3. Exchange of Contracts: The solicitors representing both parties then exchange the signed contracts, which legally obligates the buyer and the seller to the transaction.

Post-Contract Stage

After the contracts have been exchanged, the focus shifts to preparing for settlement:

  1. Finalising Mortgage Arrangements: If the buyer is obtaining a mortgage, this is the stage where the final mortgage offer should be secured.
  2. Preparing for Settlement: The solicitor will prepare a settlement statement detailing the funds required for completion, including adjustments for rates and taxes.
  3. Insurance: The buyer should arrange for property insurance to take effect from the settlement date.


Settlement is the concluding phase, where ownership is formally transferred to the buyer:

  1. Transfer of Funds: The buyer transfers the purchase price balance to the seller. The solicitors typically handle this through a trust account.
  2. Transfer of Ownership: The solicitor lodges the documents with the Land Registry to transfer the property’s ownership to the buyer.
  3. Handing Over Keys: Once the funds have been transferred and the documents lodged, the new owner receives the keys to the property.
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Common Issues in Conveyancing on the Gold Coast

Although the conveyancing process aims to be thorough, it can still present several common issues. Knowing these potential pitfalls can help you and your solicitor address them proactively:

Title Issues

Title issues are a common problem in property transactions. These can include:

  • Discrepancies in Ownership: Incorrect information about who owns the property.
  • Encumbrances: Existing mortgages or liens on the property must be resolved.
  • Covenants and Easements: Restrictions on the use of the property that may affect your plans.

Solution: Your conveyancing solicitor will conduct a thorough title search to identify and address any issues before proceeding.

Survey Problems

A property survey can reveal various issues that might affect the value or usability of the property:

  • Structural Defects: Problems with the building’s structure, such as foundation issues or roof damage.
  • Pest Infestations: Termites or other pests that can cause significant damage.
  • Compliance Issues: Buildings or modifications that do not comply with local regulations.

Solution: Depending on the survey results, you may need to renegotiate the price or request the seller to address the issues before settlement.

Financing and Mortgage Issues

Securing a mortgage is a critical part of many property transactions. Common issues include:

  • Delayed Approvals: Lenders taking longer than expected to approve the mortgage.
  • Valuation Problems: The lender’s property valuation is lower than the purchase price.
  • Loan Conditions: Unexpected conditions attached to the mortgage offer.

Solution: Keep your solicitor informed about the progress of your mortgage application and ensure all documentation is to avoid delays.

Common Issues in Conveyancing on the Gold Coast

Tips for a Smooth Conveyancing Process

To ensure a seamless conveyancing process, consider the following tips:

Preparing Your Documents

  • Gather All Necessary Documents: Collect all relevant documents such as identification, proof of address, mortgage approval, and any existing property documents.
  • Be Organised: Ensure all your documents are well-organised and easily accessible to prevent delays.

Tip: Make a checklist of necessary documents and mark them off as you collect each.

Staying Informed

  • Regular Updates: Contact your conveyancing solicitor frequently to keep updated on the progress of your transaction.
  • Ask Questions: If you need help understanding any part of the process, ask your solicitor for explanations.

Example: Regularly check in with your solicitor via email or phone to get updates and ensure everything is on track.

Effective Communication

  • Respond Promptly: Respond quickly to any requests for information or documents from your solicitor.
  • Clarify Expectations: Communicate your expectations and any special conditions you want included in the contract.

Pro Tip: Set up a dedicated email folder for all communication related to the property transaction to keep everything in one place.

Timely Responses and Decisions

  • Avoid Delays: Timely decision-making is crucial. Delays in responding to your solicitor’s queries can slow down the process.
  • Be Prepared to Act: Be ready to act quickly when your solicitor advises that a decision is needed, such as approving the contract or providing necessary documents.

Fact: The quicker you respond, the smoother and faster the conveyancing process.


Hiring a conveyancing solicitor on the Gold Coast is crucial for managing the complexities of property transactions. Their expertise ensures they manage all legal matters effectively, minimising the likelihood of problems occurring throughout the process. By selecting the right solicitor, comprehending the detailed conveyancing steps, and adhering to tips for a smooth process, you can confidently proceed with your property transaction.

If you are buying or selling property on the Gold Coast, contact Aylward Game Solicitors for professional and reliable conveyancing services. Our team is focused on offering exceptional service to guarantee that your property transaction is effortless and stress-free. Visit Aylward Game Solicitors to book a consultation and learn how we can support you.

For more information on conveyancing and property law, you can also visit the Queensland Government’s guide to buying property.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Conveyancing Solicitors on the Gold Coast

What does a conveyancing solicitor do?

A conveyancing solicitor handles all legal aspects of buying or selling property. This includes preparing and reviewing contracts, conducting property searches, advising on legal issues, and ensuring the smooth transfer of ownership.

How long does the conveyancing process take?

The conveyancing process generally lasts 6 to 8 weeks, though the duration can change based on the transaction’s complexity and any arising issues.

What are the costs involved in conveyancing?

Costs can vary but generally include solicitor’s fees, property search fees, Land Registry fees, and stamp duty. Getting a detailed quote from your solicitor is important to understand all potential costs.

Can I do my conveyancing?

While you can do your conveyancing, we do not recommend it due to the complexity of the legal work involved. Mistakes can be costly and may even result in property loss.

What should I expect during the conveyancing process?

You should expect clear communication from your solicitor, regular updates on the progress, and advice on any issues. Your solicitor will assist you at every stage and fulfil all legal requirements.

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