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Law In A Minute

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Your Specialised Domestic Violence Lawyer in Brisbane

We are seeing an increasing number of applications to the court in Queensland for domestic violence orders.

Unfortunately, that reflects an increase in the incidence people sometimes thinks that domestic violence only includes physical violence between two people. But in fact, the definition of domestic violence in Queensland is drawn much wider. Different types of behavior and conduct ranging from repeated telephone call text messages or emails. Following people stalking people going to their place of work and can encompass other types of behavior as well including what’s being described as a financial abuse, and the like so these are important considerations if this is something that affects you. And you’d like to consider whether there’s something you can do in response to protect yourself then please do give us a call and see if we can give you some assistance.

What is Mediation?

Today I would like to discuss mediation.This is often used in the family law context to assist people to resolve disputes about either parenting or property settlement matters. And is a process that can be used to help people reach an agreement without going to court ...

What is an Easement?

Easements are rights attached to land to use other lands in a particular way (that’s somebody else’s land)... it does not involve the taking of natural resources or produce from the land, for example, timber or other vegetation or soil.It may prevent the other owner from using that land in a particular way.

How To Contest a Will?

So some people do need to know, how to contest a will? This is a complex area and it’s important to get legal advice early on there are quite strict time limits that apply and it’s important that you act quickly. There are essentially two bases upon which you might challenge a will. One is whether you consider that the person...

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