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Michael Shrimpton’s criminal trial continues as he defends two counts of making Bizarre Bomb Hoaxes. In 2012 he called the Defence Secretary warning him that the Queen would be blown up with a nuclear bomb. He alleged this bomb had been stolen from a sunken Russian Ship by German terrorists, smuggled into the UK, and […]
Michael Shrimpton’s criminal trial continues as he defends two counts of making Bizarre Bomb Hoaxes.
In 2012 he called the Defence Secretary warning him that the Queen would be blown up with a nuclear bomb. He alleged this bomb had been stolen from a sunken Russian Ship by German terrorists, smuggled into the UK, and was going to be used in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Michael Shrimpton claimed he had obtained this knowledge from ‘credible European sources’ and ‘someone in Munich who lunches with the pope’.(Bizarre Bomb Hoaxes)
Furthermore the same German terrorist group was the true cause of the Japan Tsunami. In arresting Michael Shrimpton the police were making “a colossal cock-up worthy of an apology, damages and lunch on the M15”.
Needless to say the Judge hearing his trial was unimpressed: “I will not have conspiracy theories bandied around the court unless they are genuinely real”, “You must control yourself. The guillotine is very close to your neck”.
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