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Understanding Trademarks: A Comprehensive Guide

What are Trademarks? A trademark protects your company’s unique brand products or services. It is a type of intellectual property (IP) right which distinguishes your unique brand product or service from other competitors in the market. A trademark can be used to protect your business name or aspects of your brand. Trademarks can protect a […]

Understanding Trademarks: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Trademarks: A Comprehensive Guide

By Aylward Game - Jun 28, 2024 Trademark Law

What are Trademarks?

A trademark protects your company’s unique brand products or services. It is a type of intellectual property (IP) right which distinguishes your unique brand product or service from other competitors in the market. A trademark can be used to protect your business name or aspects of your brand. Trademarks can protect a logo, phrase, word, letter, colour, sound, smell, picture, movement, aspect of packaging, or any combination of these elements.

The Benefits of Registering a Trademark

Registering a trademark offers several significant benefits:

  • A Business Asset: As your business grows, so does the value of your trademark.
  • Legal Rights: You can use the ® symbol next to your trademark.
  • Exclusive Use: You have exclusive rights to use your trademark in Australia.
  • Legal Deterrent: You can legally prevent others from using your trademark.
  • Monetisation: You can sell your trademark or license it for others to use.

Different Types of Trademarks

Trademarks can take various forms, including:

  • Words
  • Shapes
  • Images
  • Sounds
  • Colours
  • Moving images
  • Aspects of packaging
  • Combinations of the above

These different forms are referred to as ‘kinds’ of trademarks.

Classes of Goods and Services

When applying for a trademark, you need to specify the goods and/or services the trademark will cover. This is crucial as it determines the scope of your trademark protection. Goods and services are categorised into 45 different classes. You must choose the correct class because you cannot add new goods and services to an application once submitted. If you choose incorrectly, you might end up with inadequate protection or face denial of your application.

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Trade Mark Application Process

Duration: A trademark application takes a minimum of 7 months to register and lasts up to 10 years before renewal is required.

Types of Applications:

1. Pre-Application Service ($330.00)

  • Receive feedback from an examiner before formal filing.
  • Make changes based on feedback within five business days.
  • Effective from the date of formal application.

2. Standard Application ($250.00)

  • Allows only minor changes after submission.
  • Protection starts from the date of application filing.

IP AUS Requirements: To apply, the following information is needed:

  • Ownership and contact details (including postal address)
  • A representation of your trademark (e.g., an image or sound recording)
  • A list of goods and/or services the trademark applies to and the related class number(s)

Application Process:

  1. Examination takes 3-4 months.
  2. Publication for 2 months in the AUS official journal of trademarks.
  3. Possible opposition during the publication period.
  4. If no opposition or successful resolution of opposition, the trademark is registered.

Using Trademark Symbols

™️ Symbol:

  • Indicates a claim to trademark rights but does not guarantee them.
  • Can be used on unregistered trademarks.
  • Recommended to be used pending registration.
  • Generally placed in superscript or subscript format on the right-hand side.

® Symbol:

  • Indicates a registered trademark under the Trade Marks Act 1995.
  • Notifies others of the trademark’s registered status and deters infringement.
  • Recommended to be used once the trademark is registered.
  • Generally placed in superscript or subscript format on the right-hand side of the trademark.

How Aylward Game Solicitors Can Help

Navigating the complexities of trademark law can be daunting, but Aylward Game Solicitors are here to assist you every step of the way. Our experienced team offers comprehensive services to ensure your trademark is adequately protected and your application process is smooth and efficient.

Expert Guidance on Trademark Selection

Choosing the right trademark is crucial. We help you:

  • Identify a distinctive and protectable trademark.
  • Conduct thorough searches to ensure your trademark is not already in use.
  • Provide advice on the different forms your trademark can take, ensuring it meets all legal requirements.
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Assistance with Trademark Application

We streamline the application process by:

  • Ensuring your application includes all necessary information.
  • Helping you choose the correct class for your goods and services.
  • Preparing and submitting your application to avoid common pitfalls that could lead to delays or denials.

Licensing and Selling Trademarks

Maximise the value of your trademark by:

  • Drafting and negotiating licensing agreements.
  • Assisting with the sale of your trademark.
  • Ensuring all legal aspects of trademark monetisation are handled professionally.

With Aylward Game Solicitors, you gain a dedicated partner committed to safeguarding your brand and supporting your business growth. Our expertise ensures that your trademarks are well-protected and that you can focus on what you do best—running your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is a trademark?

A trademark is a type of intellectual property that protects your company’s unique brand products or services, distinguishing them from competitors.

Q2: Why should I register my trademark?

Registration provides legal rights, exclusive use, and the ability to deter others from using your trademark. It also allows for monetisation through sale or licensing.

Q3: What forms can a trademark take?

Trademarks can be words, shapes, images, sounds, colours, moving images, aspects of packaging, or combinations of these.

Q4: How do I choose the right class for my goods or services?

Goods and services are divided into 45 classes. Choose the class that best describes your offerings, as it determines the scope of your trademark protection.

Q5: What is the application process for a trademark?

The process involves examination, publication, and a possible opposition period. It takes a minimum of 7 months and lasts up to 10 years before renewal is required.

Q6: What is the difference between ™️ and ® symbols?

The ™️ symbol can be used on unregistered trademarks, indicating a claim to rights. The ® symbol is used on registered trademarks, indicating official registration and stronger legal rights.

Q7: How long does a trademark registration last?

A registered trademark lasts up to 10 years before renewal is required.

By understanding and utilising trademarks effectively, you can protect and enhance the value of your brand in the marketplace.

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